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Fiskeredskap i mer enn 50 år! | Frakt fra kun kr 149,- | Rask levering!

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Sinking Rope 6mm 110m 11040
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Fiskeredskap i mer enn 50 år!
Frakt fra kun kr 149,-
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Frøy Mix Sinking Rope 6mm, 110m Coil

  • Break Strength: 670kg

  • Color: White

  • Material: Frøymix, a synthetic fiber blend of Danline and polyester, offering excellent resistance to wear and tear.

  • Density: 1.15 (similar to nylon)

Frøymix rope is designed to sink in the sea, making it ideal for applications where the rope should not surface or interfere with propellers. The rope is especially effective when combined with floating Danline ropes close to the seabed. Commonly used for end ropes, line ropes, and fishing lines, Frøymix is perfect for situations requiring knotting and bending.




Frøystad AS

Frøystad AS is known for supplying fishing gear to the Norwegian coastal fleet. Since 1972, the company has produced and delivered nets, pots, traps, and ropes both nationally and internationally. Frøystad AS is located in Fosnavåg on the Sunnmøre coast.

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