Frøystad Shrimp Trap - The Original
For efficient and gentle shrimp capture. Our shrimp trap has been developed and tested over three years in close collaboration with fishermen and Møreforsking. The unique entrance/escape, which we have developed, results in better catches and prevents escape. Catch results of up to 6 kg per trap.
Frøystad Shrimp Trap
The fishing gear of tomorrow. More environmentally friendly, less energy-consuming, minimal damage to the seabed fauna, and significantly less bycatch.
Are you looking for a shrimp trap that combines quality and sustainability? Our shrimp trap is ideal for all types of fishermen. Made from durable materials, our trap is designed to maximize your catch results while being easy to use and requiring little maintenance. Choose a solution that is both effective and sustainable for your fishing experience – choose the shrimp trap from Frøystad.
For those looking to expand their fishing gear, we recommend exploring our selection of anchors and grapnels to ensure stability during the catch. Additionally, we have a variety of crayfish traps for sale, perfect for those wanting to try different types of fishing. Our products are designed to provide you with the best fishing experience while taking care of the environment.